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托福作文中什么是小词 ?10个实用词汇归纳get起来

2019-02-15 11:27:50来源:小站托福


托福作文中什么是小词 ?

之所以称它们为 " 小词 ",是因为这些词常常是我们所 " 熟视无睹 " 的小玩意,同学们对它们还没有足够的重视。孰比知,用好了十个小词的效果要比用十个大词、难问好得多。现在,您品一下这十个词:Challenge,Share,Instead,Manage,Afford,Rather,Ever,Available,Else,Involve. 这十个词不仅词意丰富,而且用法多样,下面为您详细地介绍一下它们的常句式,并配有一些例句。


( 1 ) Challenge sb to do sth 。向…挑战,邀请…比赛

They challenge us to a swimming contest.

( 2 ) to give ( accept ) a challenge ( 接受 ) 挑战


( 1 ) Share 部分,分

Everybody ought to have his proper share.

( 2 ) Share 参与、贡献

I had no share in the mater.

( 3 ) Share ( with,between ) 分配,共有

They shared the profits between them.

I will share with you in the undertaking.


( 1 ) instead 代替

If you cannot go,let him go instead.

( 2 ) instead of 代替

I will go instead of you.


( 1 ) manage to do 完成,达成

We finally managed to get there in time.

( 2 ) manage with 办事,处现事务

We can ‘ t manage with these poor tools.

( 3 ) manage on 生活,过活

How will she manage with her husband gone.


( 1 ) afford to do 足以承担

I cannot afford to pay such a high price.

( 2 ) afford 产生

Reading affords pleasure.


( 1 ) would rather do 宁愿

He said he would rather stay at home.

( 2 ) rather than 宁愿

I had rather dance than eat.


( 1 ) ever 曾经

Have you ever been there?

( 2 ) ever 究竟

Why ever didn ’ t you go.

( 3 ) ever 如果

If the band ( 乐队 ) ever plays again,we will dance.

( 4 ) ever so=very

Thank you ever so much.


( 1 ) available 通用的,有效的

The season ticket is available for three months.

( 2 ) available 可用的,可达到的


( 1 ) else 此外,别的

Where else did you go?

( 2 ) else 否则,不然

Hurry,else you ‘ ll be late.


( 1 ) involve 包括

Housekeeping involves cooking, washing dishes, sweeping and cleaning.

( 2 ) involve 使陷于

One foolish mistake can involve you in a good deal of trouble.

( 3 ) involve 使纠缠,使难得

A sentence that is involved is hard to understand.

( 4 ) involve 包围

Clouds involved the hilltop.


相关内容: 托福


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